National Association of Australian University Colleges

Membership Terms and Conditions

The following terms and conditions outline the requirements on individuals and colleges in obtaining and accessing the benefits of a membership with the National Association of Australian University Colleges. 

  1. Pursuant with Section 4 (1) of the Association’s Statement of Purpose and Rules of The Association, a residential membership with the National Association of Australian University Colleges shall be open to all recognised university colleges, halls, accommodation providers, and student organisations existing within those organisations. 

  2. Pursuant with Section 5 (7) of the Association’s Constitution, all applications for membership shall be approved by the NAAUC Executive Committee. The Executive Committee reserves the right to reject an application for membership, and In some cases may choose to do so. Your college will be notified in writing in such cases. 

  3. Pursuant with Section 5 (8) of the Association’s Statement of Purpose and Rules of The Association, all members cannot access the benefits of their membership until all monies owed have been paid, and all membership induction requirements have been met. The fee and induction requirements are outlined below. 

  4. Pursuant with Section 5 (10) of the Association’s Statement of Purpose and Rules of The Association, upon cessation of membership all members forfeit all rights, privileges, and obligations of their membership. Attempts to claim rights and privileges after cessation of membership shall not be sanctioned by the Association. 

  5. The membership fee, set by the Executive Committee on the 31st of July, 2023, pursuant with Section 6 (11) of the Association’s Statement of Purpose and Rules of The Association, shall be, $960 per annum. In cases where the rights of membership are only being secured for a period of less than 12 months, a partial fee may only be offered by the Executive Committee.

  6. Pursuant with Section 7 of the Association’s Statement of Purpose and Rules of The Association, the Association will keep a register of members including the name and address of each member, the membership category of each member, the date on which each membership became valid in accordance with the rules of the Association. Any member can request to view and make copies of the register, subject to applicable privacy legislation. 

  7. Pursuant with Section 9 (1) of the Association’s Statement of Purpose and Rules of The Association, a member that wishes to rescind their membership may do so by notifying the Association’s Secretary in writing. In such cases, the Executive Committee will not refund any monies paid to the Association. 

  8. Pursuant with Section 10 of the Association’s Statement of Purpose and Rules of The Association, in extreme cases, the Executive Committee may choose to expel or suspend a member from the Association if the Executive Committee is of the belief a member has:

    1. refused or neglected to comply with the governing rules of the Association and the terms of the membership agreement, 

    2. been guilty of conduct unbecoming a Member, 

    3. prejudicial to the interests of the Association,

  9. The Executive Committee may elect to utilise the process of discipline, suspension, and expulsion outlined in Section 10 of the Association’s Constitution. In such cases, your college forfeits all right to the reimbursement of membership fees and monies paid to the Association. 

  10. Pursuant with Section 10 of the Association’s Statement of Purpose and Rules of The Association, all disputes regarding the rights, privileges, and obligations of membership shall be settled via the grievance procedure outlined in the Association’s Constitution. 

  11. As determined by the Executive Committee on the 31st of July 2023, pursuant with Section 5 (3) of the Association’s Statement of Purpose and Rules of The Association, A membership with the National Association of Australian University Colleges includes the following rights and privileges:

    1. Quarterly, by calendar year, student leader check-Ins with NAAUC leaders. 

      1. These check-ins can take any form of communication desired by the given student leaders, and only entitle a member to one round of check-ins every quarter. The Association’s management team will determine which NAAUC leaders will be responsible for these check-ins, and where possible, offer additional services. 

    2. A State based mid-year reset and reunion event for delegates of the previous National Conference currently living in colleges. 

      1. The date of this event will be determined by the Association’s management team.  

    3. Discounted tickets to NAAUC’s National Conference, of an amount determined by the Association’s Executive Committee on an annual basis.  

    4. Your College’s logo and blurb displayed on the NAAUC Website and in select NAAUC Publications. 

      1. Logo and blurb will only be displayed upon receiving a high quality image and up to date blurb. 

    5. A free-of-charge NAAUC on The Road training Session. 

      1. The session will be limited to one day worth of seminars, and a maximum of 30 attendees. Colleges will still be required to provide meals, accommodation, and travel costs in cases where these costs exist.  If members wish to facilitate a longer or larger NAAUC on The Road, they will be provided discounts to the value of the free-of-charge session.

        Tickets for your student leaders to a free-of-charge Members only NAAUC Networking event held in each state. 

      2. Details of each networking will vary on an annual basis. 

    6. Distribution of the NAAUC Talk quarterly members newsletter. 

      1. Members are required to nominate the mailing address for this newsletter.

    7. Access to the NAAUC Members portal on the NAAUC website, which will contain select materials, publications and information. 

      1. Materials on the members portal will be varying, and determined by the Association’s management team. 

        Member only additional resources related to NAAUC’s academic program.

    8. Regular contact from a dedicated NAAUC team member, who will be tasked with ensuring members needs are met to the best of the Association’s ability.

    9. Free-of-charge members National Conference Merchandise Packs, up to 8 packs. 

      1. Contents of merchandise packs to be determined by the Association’s management team, and will vary on an annual basis. Any additional merchandise packs can be purchased at cost by members. 

    10. Access to the Members Forum, a members only event held at the National Conference. 

      1. Only delegates attending the National Conference who are representing a member college will be invited to attend. 

    11. Participation in the NAAUC Members awards program, where NAAUC selects stand out students from nominations provided by staff and students. 

      1. Members are required to nominate individuals, teams, or colleges in order to be considered for an award.

    12. Access to apply for the NAAUC Member Residences Scholarship.

      1. Scholarships will be awarded as per the Association’s awarding criteria.

    13. Access to nominate your residence for a NAAUC Social Media Spotlight, which will cover a program or event your Residence runs.

      1. Social media spotlights will be subject to approval by the NAAUC Executive Committee.

    14. Members only social media discussion pages, for regular content updates and idea sharing. 

      1. Discussion pages to be operated on platforms at the discretion of the Association’s management committee.

    15. Free-of-charge NAAUC Consulting service. 

      1. Incidental expenses not typically occurring during the consulting process will be the responsibility of the member.

      2. The Association may place limitations on the availability of consulting services at its discretion. 

    16. Access to NAAUC’s sponsorship and partnerships network. 

    17. Use of NAAUC’s logo for promotional materials. 

      1. The Association reserves the right to rescind the right to the use of its logo without altering the terms of an existing membership if it believes the publication to be damaging to the Association’s image. 

    18. Voting rights at NAAUC General Meetings, in accordance with the Association’s Statement of Purpose and Rules of The Association,

  12. As determined by the Executive Committee on the 31st of July 2023, pursuant with Section 5 (4) of the Association’s Statement of Purpose and Rules of The Association, the benefits of membership with the National Association of Australian University Colleges cannot be obtained until an applicant has:

    1. Paid any monies owed to the Association.

    2. Paid in full the annual membership subscription fee, or the fee agreed upon by both the residence and the Association’s Executive Committee.

    3. Provided the Association with relevant requested contact information.

    4. Completed the annual membership survey.

    5. Provided the Association with a high resolution copy of your college’s logo

    6. Provided the Association with a blurb about you college

By agreeing to these terms and conditions, you understand and agree to the rights, privileges, and obligations of your college, its staff, its residents, and the Association in relation to the membership offering.